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San sadto pa daw...

To the Visayans of Samar and Leyte, where this blogger came from - san sadto pa daw literally means (approximately) "the ways back then".  Of course, the expression is uttered with longing, reminiscing, or feeling sorry for something lost or wasted!  I'm not a "prophet of doom", certainly.  I only want something to happen.  Something, which is not worth a good night sleep because it quickened me to start doing a thing - writing on a blog.

For the present-day Filipinos' consumerist attitude, nothing is more exciting than earning a living and having our needs and wants satisfied.  A consumerist myself, such attitude proved that a little box - smallest of its kind - seem to restrict me from knowing the breadth and depths of who am I, a FILIPINO.  With perennial problems hounding us all, will this blog which is intended to discuss Philippine dance culture be of paramount importance or relevance?  Well, any answer will be correct.  'Yes', 'no', 'maybe yes' or 'maybe no'.  With such strong Asian principle of duality, my question or my purpose will both be heeded to or will fall on deaf ears.  So, I think I need to do this, anyway!

Time is long for those who wait.
Time is short for those who fear.


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